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My Game Engine (2019-Now)


Cosmic Symphony (2019 Mar-June)

Cosmic Symphony (previously Phantasia Conductor/Psychedelic Symphony) is a VR game I created along with 3 other team members in 2019 for UW's VR Capstone class using Unity. It is a music/rhythm based game with an emphasis on the idea of experiencing music in a novel way. My primary contributions to the project include porting the project, which originally was designed for windows mixed reality, to the oculus quest, which had come out during our development time, writing a majority of the C# code including the framework for future puzzles to be built on, fully scripting 2 out of 4 of the main puzzles, simulating flocking behavior based on boids, creating particle effects such as the baton trail, and writing hlsl and compute shaders for visual effects.

These are some of my favorite scripts which I completed end to end:
Melody Paths, Path Maker, Bass Puzzle Sequence, Boids

Cosmic Symphony Github

Zodiac (~2015-2018)

Zodiac is a multiplayer online rpg game built on top of Graal servers. During my time as developer we averaged about 70-90 concurrent players from morning to night. Zodiac uses a language which is very similar to javascript and I wrote several tens of thousands LOC for this project. Developing for Zodiac was a very informative experience. I learned how to write code for multiplayer games considering a server authoritative model, how to use SQLite to store and process large amounts of data, how to write gameplay mechanics, how to work with a team of individuals with specialized skills, how to design GUIs, working with and organizing a large codebase, and strategies for finding and fixing elusive bugs. Also, I was both a developer and designer so based on feedback from the players, I learned what sort of game designs work and which don't work.

Here is just some of the code that I wrote. All of the code in this repository was written entirely by me, however, it should be noted that great portion of my development time on Zodiac was spent modifying, fixing, and adding to existing code.

Sample Code on Github

Zoomly - AngelHack Seattle (2016)

Zoomly, one of the runner up projects for AngelHack Seattle 2016, was built by our 3 person team of developers in two days using threejs. It aggregated social media and news feeds and then visualized them in an organized and interactive menu. It was also usable in virtual reality, tested using google cardboard.
